Crown shyness1 is a phenomenon observed in some tree species, in which the crowns of fully stocked trees do not touch each other, forming a canopy with channel-like gaps. Following photograph is showing the phenomenon.



This effect was simulated with Voronoi tessellation. Visualization was implemented in p5.js and three.js. This visualization has more color themes. One is picked at random at the start of the visualization.

Final version
crown shyness
live visualization
source code


The idea about this visualization is to use Voronoi tesellation to generate crowns of the trees. Following image is showing the terminology behind the tesellation.


First step was to obtain generator points. That was done using similar like in this circle packing example.


Then, library d3-delaunay was used to get Voronoi tesellation. The rest was possible thanks to WEBGL renderer, allowing to use perspective. Previous versions are more complex, but computationally expensive.

Previous versions

This visualization had more iterations. versions 1 and two were implemented using p5.js.

Version 1 Version 2
crown shyness
crown shyness
live visualization live visualization
source code source code

Versions 3 and 4 implemented in Three.js.

Version 1 Version 2
crown shyness
crown shyness
live visualization live visualization
source code source code

  1. Possible explanations why Crown shyness occur can be found for example in paper: Crown shyness in various tree species; Rishabh Hattimare; 2018; link ↩︎